SHD-AP Training

Point of Care Ultrasound for the Heart Workshop

First workshop held: 9-12 July 2023 at Waikato Clinical Campus, Waikato Hospital, Hamilton, New Zealand

Ultrasound (echocardiography) is one of the simplest, non-invasive and reproducible specialist investigations for the heart. With advanced technology, the diagnostic accuracy and the demand for echocardiography has increased. The aim of this course was to improve access to screening ultrasound of the heart, to the community. By completing this course, General Practitioners and nurse specialists will be able to screen patients using portable ultrasound probes in the community. Patients who need more detailed scans are promptly referred to specialist scans at secondary and tertiary care centres. The course included wet dissection, didactic lectures, demonstrations and hands on training using simulators and volunteers. 

Workshop feedback

“Great access to the anatomy session and the rep Phantom trainer. Also the degree of hands on scanning in small groups with lots of trainers available a definite strong aspect of this course over many others.”‍

“Very professionally run. Friendly and encouraging staff.”

“The day dedicated to dissection was helpful; in retrospect this helped build the foundation for the rest of the course. The amount of practical hands on scanning was also extremely useful. The extra reading material was also exceptional and the simulated model really helped improve my technique and spatial awareness. The repetition of looking at the images systematically was also key in building confidence.”

More workshops are planned for the future, so please express your interest
via the link below to receive information when dates are confirmed

Workshop Gallery

9-12 July 2023, Waikato Clinical Campus (click here to view full gallery)

Training Directors

Dr Rajesh Nair
Specialist in Coronary & Structural Disease Intervention

Dr Pranesh Jogia
Specialist in Intensive Care & Cardiac Imaging

Dr Faeez Mohammed Ali
Specialist in Coronary & Structural Disease Intervention

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